Brotherhood Of Betterment
Meetings are currently on hold while we develop new materials for the BOB. But feel free to read on and learn more about our mission and prior work.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION, exciting things coming soon!
Or if it cannot wait, book a coffee or lunch with Bill
BOB was founded in 2018 with the objective of bringing self-improvement minded men together. For the next two years, it accomplished that mission with great success. Monthly meetings in both Tampa and Saint Petersburg Florida, as well as a home group session. All of these were well attended and the group continually grew. When covid hit we decided to temporarily shut down the in-person meetings and the club has been officially dormant since. However, the connections and friendships that were made live on, and many of the members still meet regularly for dinner events, outdoor activities, holiday parties, and more. During this time of rest, plans for the future have continued to develop. We appreciate your patience while we prepare our best offerings yet, for the next chapter in personal betterment.
Life Is Full Of Unwritten Rules And There’s No Reason We Should Have To Figure It Out All On Our Own.
Are you struggling financially? Unhappy in your love life? Desirous of community? Cultivating leadership skills? Just looking to have thought-provoking conversations? Join us as we expand our toolboxes and learn new things.
We encourage each member to grow towards financial independence. To nurture and care for loved ones. To build community and healthy relations with others. To learn to be conscientious and knowledgeable lovers. And most of all, to have an incredible time doing it.
One of the keys to our approach is the installation of experiential wisdom. There is no substitute for doing. So, we craft lessons that allow members to step outside of their comfort zones physically, emotionally and spiritually.
We also focus on 4 categories that well-rounded men actively cultivate.
– Finance
– Nurturing
– Community
– Romance
We use the Seek Safely code of ethics to govern meetings, experiences, and adventures. We encourage all members to visit seeksafely.org to familiarize themselves with the code for their own safety and edification.